Math Weekly Reflection 1

SchoolHouse (2018). Big House Numbers. [image] Available at: [Accessed 16 Sep. 2018].

    The first week of Math was really informative this week. We took a look at a number of different ways in which math is taught in school now a days and how we as teachers must evolve with the way we teach math. In particular the focus on making sure students establish a growth mindset was important this week. We looked over a number of different ways to do this which mostly come from establishing a classroom environment that doesn’t focus on grade level and individual achievement but instead looks at making sure students know how to learn and develop themselves instead of being stuck thinking they are not simply good at a subject especially when it comes to math. 

    With this in mind many of the things that kept reappearing is that students tend to find math practical or relatable to their daily lives. There might be students who enjoy math for the sake of it but there were rarely any students who loved it as a subject. For this reason, teachers need to bring math our of the abstract and into the literal for students. Students should have to solve problems that involve daily problems and things that they can see themselves needing to use in the future. Such an approach would make math more meaningful and engaging for students.


  1. Hi Robert,
    Your point about the classroom environment being a critical component in supporting positive mindsets is well taken. Students need to see themselves and able to learn and to see math as worthwhile learning.

  2. Hey Robert, there was this rhyme I heard when I was a kid, "It's not failure when things go wrong, it's just feedback to make you strong." It seems even 20 years ago, people were talking about growth mindset, even if they didn't use those terms. Students are much more willing to take risks, when they believe that they will learn from their mistakes.

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